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Bisschop Mar Mari Emmanuel neergestoken

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Bisschop Mar Mari Emmanuel is in zijn kerk neergestoken door een moslim extremist.  De Australiërs hebben het helemaal gehad met het islamitisch extremisme en er ontstond een rel waarin mensen schreeuwden “Bring him out”.   De emoties vind ik begrijpelijk aangezien er op zaterdag in een winkelcentrum in Sydney ook zes mensen zijn neergestoken door een Moslimextremist.


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15 hours ago, Flawless victory said:

Bisschop Mar Mari Emmanuel is in zijn kerk neergestoken door een moslim extremist.  De Australiërs hebben het helemaal gehad met het islamitisch extremisme en er ontstond een rel waarin mensen schreeuwden “Bring him out”.   De emoties vind ik begrijpelijk aangezien er op zaterdag in een winkelcentrum in Sydney ook zes mensen zijn neergestoken door een Moslimextremist.


Hoor net dat het mes dichtsloeg voordat hij wilde steken.

Hij heeft drie vingers verloren. (De moslim)


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High-level sources have confirmed the 16-year-old was responsible for the injury to just one of his fingers that occurred during the attack.

Earlier, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb addressed the rampant speculation.

She said it was “too early to say” what really happened to his finger.

“There’s various stories about the fingers,” Ms Webb said when she addressed the media on Tuesday morning.

“That’s not clear yet whether it’s self-inflicted or through the melee that occurred or some other way, and I understand that it’s possibly a flick knife, but that is to be confirmed as well.”

When asked by a reporter if she knew whether the crowd in their anger had cut off the teenager’s finger or whether his own knife had caused the rumoured injury, Ms Webb said the answer would be determined “through statements from witnesses and victims” but agreed that it was an important point.

He confirmed the terrorist incident appeared to be “religiously motivated”.

De dader: “If he (the bishop) didn’t get himself involved in my religion, if he hadn’t spoken about my prophet, I wouldn’t have come here,” it’s been reported he said. “If he just spoke about his own religion, I wouldn’t have come.” The bishop has previously criticised Islam and the Prophet Mohammed in public sermons.


A local councillor has confirmed reports that Bishop Emmanuel was praying for the teenage boy just moments after he allegedly stabbed him in the middle of a church service.


Romans 3:4 ...let God be true, but every man a liar; ...

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On 4/16/2024 at 11:30 AM, Fundamenteel said:

High-level sources have confirmed the 16-year-old was responsible for the injury to just one of his fingers that occurred during the attack.

Earlier, NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb addressed the rampant speculation.

She said it was “too early to say” what really happened to his finger.

“There’s various stories about the fingers,” Ms Webb said when she addressed the media on Tuesday morning.

“That’s not clear yet whether it’s self-inflicted or through the melee that occurred or some other way, and I understand that it’s possibly a flick knife, but that is to be confirmed as well.”

When asked by a reporter if she knew whether the crowd in their anger had cut off the teenager’s finger or whether his own knife had caused the rumoured injury, Ms Webb said the answer would be determined “through statements from witnesses and victims” but agreed that it was an important point.

He confirmed the terrorist incident appeared to be “religiously motivated”.

De dader: “If he (the bishop) didn’t get himself involved in my religion, if he hadn’t spoken about my prophet, I wouldn’t have come here,” it’s been reported he said. “If he just spoke about his own religion, I wouldn’t have come.” The bishop has previously criticised Islam and the Prophet Mohammed in public sermons.


A local councillor has confirmed reports that Bishop Emmanuel was praying for the teenage boy just moments after he allegedly stabbed him in the middle of a church service.


De man heeft natuurlijk wel mijn broeder aangevallen met meer dan zijn mond.

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3 hours ago, Barnabas said:

De man heeft natuurlijk wel mijn broeder aangevallen met meer dan zijn mond.

Ik begrijp de frustratie, boosheid en zelfs woede. Maar het is in ons voordeel deze jongeman te vergeven en uit te nodigen tot ons geloof. Als Mari Mari hem kan vergeven, waarom wij dan niet?

Wat niet wil zeggen dat deze man niet gestraft moet worden en het probleem genegeerd moet worden. De vijand liefhebben is niet makkelijk, maar wel een cruciaal onderdeel in ons geloof.

Romans 3:4 ...let God be true, but every man a liar; ...

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16 hours ago, Fundamenteel said:

Ik begrijp de frustratie, boosheid en zelfs woede. Maar het is in ons voordeel deze jongeman te vergeven en uit te nodigen tot ons geloof. Als Mari Mari hem kan vergeven, waarom wij dan niet?

Wat niet wil zeggen dat deze man niet gestraft moet worden en het probleem genegeerd moet worden. De vijand liefhebben is niet makkelijk, maar wel een cruciaal onderdeel in ons geloof.


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